This is what a research by the University of Bologna says. Satisfaction of Origine Group

The Area of Plant Pathology and Phytoiatrics of the Department of Agro-Food Sciences and Technologies (Distal) of the University of Bologna, under the supervision of Dr. Marina Collina, has evaluated the sensitivity to Stemphylium vesicarium (agent of the brown spot disease of pears) of leaves and fruits of the pear variety CH-201, which is marketed under the brand name FRED®. The research was carried out on behalf of Origine Group, the exclusive licensee of the FRED® pear for Italy.

FRED®, a cross between the Harrow Sweet and Verdi varieties, selected by the Swiss center Agroscope, is a red-blushed pear, characterized by high productivity, late harvest, early entry into production, low sensitivity to fire blight and good shelf life of the fruit.

Together with FRED®, the leaves and fruits of a susceptible variety (Abate Fétel) and one of the most tolerant (white William) to the pathogen have also been artificially infected. Both in the case of leaves and fruits, a Disease Index has been calculated that provides the average severity of the symptoms of brown spot disease on the three different varieties, whose value is directly related with the severity of the symptoms in the different moments.

The FRED® pear is tolerant to brown spot diseas

The final results were more than encouraging. As for the severity of the disease on the leaves, compared to a Disease Index of 1.6 to 2.6 for Abate, FRED® recorded a value from 0.4 to 0.7, even lower than William ranging from 0.6 to 1.6.

The FRED® pear is tolerant to brown spot diseas

The final results were more than encouraging. As for the severity of the disease on the leaves, compared to a Disease Index of 1.6 to 2.6 for Abate, FRED® recorded a value from 0.4 to 0.7, even lower than William ranging from 0.6 to 1.6.